
Showing posts from January, 2022

Tv final index.

  1)  Film poster analysis 2)  Mise-en-scene analysis blog tasks 3)   Mise-en-scene video recreation and learner response 4)  Lighting analysis blog tasks 5)   Sound analysis blog tasks 6)   Sound: parallel and contrapuntal video feedback and learner response 7)  Cinematography blog tasks 8)  Cinematography video task and learner response 9)   Editing video task and learner response 10)  Editing blog task - 750 word analysis

Editing video feedback and learner response

  1) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher. -Good opening shot, quirky angle works well -Match on action generally spot on , particularly going through the door -Nice use of SFX to build tension and the choice of camera shots to not reveal faces was clever  -Slight issue with cinematography , focus of over the shoulder shot. Also not sure if the wider shot of the two was effective (id have gone closer). 2) Type up your feedback from fellow students. - I liked the heartbeat in the background , added suspense. You captured the 180 degree angle very well # - good editing , nicely paced ebi: I think her name changed but still good! -appropriate sound effects good cuts of scenes ebi: could include continuity editing but overall very good -good use of the 180 degree rule, the soundtrack built up nicely 3) Now reflect on your video. Did you meet the brief and successfully include the three key editing aspects we have learned? I think i did a good job considering i am not an editor.

The British film industry: blog tasksđź’•

1) Write a one-sentence definition of what makes a film British . Most people would define a 'British' film with reference to obvious cultural elements such as: a setting in the UK or a focus on British people abroad; a predominantly British cast; a storyline about some aspect of British life — past, present or future — or notably by, or based on a work by, a British author. 2) What is the difference between a Hollywood production context and production context of a British film? Hollywood studios have high budgets, a heavy reliance on celebrities both in the cast and crew and spectacle driven stories. Whereas the independent production context films tend to have low budgets, character rather than spectacle driven stories and a heavier reliance on word of mouth and viral advertising. The British film production context does not have as many clearly defined characteristics. 3) When did the James Bond franchise start? 1962 4) In terms of film censorship and graphic content, what