
Showing posts from April, 2022

Capital: Case study blog tasks

  Reviews and features Read the following review and feature on Capital: Guardian review by Sam Wollaston London Evening Standard: five things you need to know about Capital 1) What positive points does the review pick out about Capital?  What criticisms are made - either of the TV drama or the original novel?  Positive - It shows a clear insight as to what living in London is like. - The representations of characters are quite accurate to reality. Critisisms-  The daily mail criticised the plot of Capital as it portrayed White British people in a negative way and Muslims in a positive light, which is the complete opposite of what they write about. 2) What references can you find in the reviews and feature to the idea Capital is a 'state-of-the-nation' drama? How does it capture modern-day London? -  Birds-eye shots of the gurking and the cheese grater -Corner shops (usually owned by immigrants) -London- riven by inequality and quickened diversity -Financial struggles Trailer a

Postmodernism & Deutschland 83: blog task

  1) Read the section on Strinati's five ways to define postmodernity. What examples are provided of the breakdown of the distinction between culture and society (media-isation)? - The characters Bruno and Borat have more ‘reality’ for film  audiences than their creator Sacha Baron Cohen. Cohen’s films  rely on the fact that the characters he creates are seen as ‘real’  people and he is able to get away with saying and doing things  that a ‘real’ person could not. Cohen is only ever interviewed ‘in  character’ so his creations have a voice but he does not. 2) What is Fredric Jameson's idea of 'historical deafness'? How can the idea of 'historical deafness' be applied to Deutschland 83? Historical deafness is when an audience believes that history happened as it did in the movies and are "deaf" to the actual reality of things.  In Deutschland 83, an example of historical deafness was when Martin returned to his house and they were having a BBQ, which co

Marxism & hegemony: blog tasks

1) Re-read the  Mail Online review of Capital . Why does it suggest that Capital features a left-wing ideology? It suggests that Capital is a left wing ideology because it says " Capital was as stuffed full with fashionable causes as Jeremy Corbyn’s function diary." 2) Choose  three  quotes from the review that are particularly critical of Capital and paste them into your blogpost. Do you agree with the criticisms? Why? " The last 20 minutes contained no plot." " But that concept went nowhere." " That’s not a whodunnit, it’s a cop-out." 3) What scenes or characters from Capital could be read as promoting left-wing ideology? The scene where Roger is discussing with the banker. Roger and German banker has no idea what superiors are doing, creates left wing ideology. 4) What about the other side of the argument - are there any aspects of Capital that reinforce the status quo in capitalist London? Capital can be viewed as right wing since mostly ever

Deutschland 83: case study blog tasks

  Read the following reviews and features on  Deutschland 83 : The Guardian - Your next box set: Deutschland 83 The Guardian - Deutschland 83 Pity the Germans don't like it 1) Find one positive aspect and one criticism of Deutschland 83 in reviews. -"a serious thriller driven by jeopardy and wry humour' - "everyday nature of evil was cleverly captured in Deutschland 83" 2) Why does the second Guardian article suggest the Germans didn't like the show? 3) Find three 'below the line' comments from either of the Guardian articles. What did the audience think of Deutschland 83? Do you agree with the comments? Interviews and behind-the-scenes video features Channel 4 News: Matt Frei interviews Jonas Nay   1) What does Jonas Nay say about growing up in a united Germany?  He states that many things he learned about the cold war was through education at school. Furthermore, he states that he's proud of nation.   2) The Channel 4 News interview is conducted